Esempio di schede che cambiano colore quando il mouse passa sopra.
Standart plan
- Limited Storage 1
- Limited Transactions 1
- Limited Clients 1
- Limited Contacts 1
- Limited Users 1
- Get plan
Business plan
- Limited Storage 3
- Limited Transactions 3
- Limited Clients 3
- Limited Contacts 3
- Limited Users 3
- Get plan
Corporate plan
- Limited Storage 5
- Limited Transactions 5
- Limited Clients 5
- Limited Contacts 5
- Limited Users 5
- Get plan
Individual plan
- Unlimited Storage
- Unlimited Transactions
- Unlimited Clients
- Unlimited Contacts
- Unlimited Users
- Get plan
Esempio di colonne con icone che cambiano colore
Dynamic Scrolling Header
The Dynamic, Scrolling Header, is a custom design feature that adds an animation effect the header, where the logo and menu are contained, whereby the header elegantly collapses upon downward.
A responsive layout adapts to the viewing device, whether mobile, tablet or a small or larger desktop, to ensure your site is accessible on all devices.
Site Performance
RokBooster compresses and combines CSS, Javascript, Font and Image files, reducing HTTP request and overall file size, increasing site speed.
Great Support
Receive exclusive access to the Anacron communty forum board for additional assistance, alongside the free and online documentation